High-Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
Vol. 7, 2024June 21, 2024 IST
Repeating partial disruptions and two-body relaxation
Repeating partial disruptions and two-body relaxation
black hole physicstidal disruptionspartial tidal disruptionsgalactic nucleiblack holessemi-analytical methodsnumerical methodshigh-energy astrophysical phenomenasolar and stellar astrophysicsastrophysics of galaxies
Broggi, Luca, Nicholas C. Stone, Taeho Ryu, Elisa Bortolas, Massimo Dotti, Matteo Bonetti, and Alberto Sesana. 2024. “Repeating Partial Disruptions and Two-Body Relaxation.” The Open Journal of Astrophysics 7 (June). https://doi.org/10.33232/001c.120086.